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A Trucker’s Retirement

As independent contractors or company employees, truck drivers have a unique set of financial challenges when it comes to planning for retirement. The nature of your work makes it difficult to maintain a regular savings plan and you may not have employer-sponsored retirement plans. However, by taking certain proactive steps, truck drivers can still achieve a comfortable retirement. 

Determine Retirement Goals

The first step in planning for retirement is to establish retirement goals. Determine how much money will be required to cover living, medical and other expenses during retirement. Do you know the age you want to retire at? Setting these goals are essential in developing a retirement plan that is sustainable.

Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Truckers can utilize tax-advantaged accounts such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 401(k) plans. Contributions to these accounts are made on a pre-tax basis, reducing current taxable income and allowing for tax-deferred growth. Additionally, some trucking companies may offer a Simple IRA or SEP-IRA plan so be sure to ask about this benefit.

Contribute Consistently

Truckers should contribute consistently to their retirement accounts. This can be difficult given the nature of your work, but even small contributions can add up over time. It is also important to take advantage of any employer-matching contributions that may be available.

Consider Delaying Social Security

You may want to consider delaying Social Security benefits. The longer you wait, the higher the monthly benefit will be. Working until age 67 will result in 100% of the benefits, which can provide a significant boost in your retirement income.

Plan for Healthcare Expenses

Truckers should plan for healthcare expenses in retirement. These costs can be significant, and Medicare does not cover all expenses. Consider purchasing a supplemental insurance policy or setting up a health savings account (HSA).

Work with a Financial Advisor

Truck drivers are encouraged to work with a financial advisor to develop a retirement plan. An advisor can help develop a comprehensive plan, monitor investments, and adjust the plan as needed.

It’s a Long-Term Plan

A secure retirement doesn’t happen by chance. It takes time and planning to ensure you can live comfortably. It’s not too late to start planning and take the necessary steps to achieve your retirement goals. Talk to a financial advisor and your company’s HR department about retirement options and begin the journey today.



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Picture of Tammie Clemmons

Tammie Clemmons

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