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Benefits of Trucking With Your Pet

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Being on the road for days or weeks at a time can be lonely. It’s not uncommon for truckers to start feeling depressed. Bringing a four-legged friend along can help with the loneliness. There are many trucking companies that allow truckers to bring their pets on the road. The FMCSA has not issued any regulations on pets in the truck, as long as safety is not compromised. If you are considering bringing a pet on the road with you, check with your trucking company before doing so.

There are many physiological and physical benefits for truck drivers taking pets on the road. The CDC states that owning at least one pet can help decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels.
Working with your pet can add some stress, but there are many benefits to bringing your pet with you on the road. Reports show that drivers who own a pet tend to be less stressed and more focused.

When you find a company that allows you to bring your pet on the road, the next step to do is pet proof your truck. If you do not pet proof your truck, your pet can get into stuff and make a mess while you’re driving.

Some tips for pet proofing:

  • Block off access to the driver area
  • Keep the trash far away from your pet
  • Store your medicine and food in a safe place
  • Make some space for your pet and add some toys.

Taking your pet on the road with you can be a lot of fun. They provide plenty of companionship and entertainment. But, there are some things to consider: paying a pet fee, taking them to the restroom, extra expenses.

Take into consideration all the pros and cons of bringing your pet on the road then decide if it is right for you.

Do you have any additional benefits for trucking with your pet that you would like to add? Feel free to comment below.

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Maranda Heaverin

Maranda Heaverin

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