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Winter Trucking Hazards

How to Prepare for Winter Trucking Hazards

Driving hazards increase during the winter and there is a higher chance of encountering an accident. However, it does not mean you cannot avoid these accidents, as there are ways to prepare for trucking in winter.

Tips for Dealing with Winter Trucking Hazards

Following are some of the ways of how you can prepare for winter trucking hazards:

Don’t Speed

Speeding is arguably the biggest reason behind road accidents and the risk increases significantly when you drive in the winter. You may not necessarily be at fault when you get into an accident but driving at a slower/moderate speed gives you more control over the truck.

In addition, applying brakes at high speeds during the snow is dangerous as it could cause your vehicle to slip.

Check Truck Fitness

While you cannot control the weather, there are still a few things you must consider checking. The condition of your truck matters the most and you need to ensure that you maintain it and take it to a mechanic. This is especially important before heading out on a long journey. The tire pressure, anti-freeze, truck oil, and engine checks are some basic things you should always keep an eye on.

Maintain Your Distance

Stopping your vehicle on a wet or snowy surface takes nearly double the time and distance compared to normal road conditions. Therefore, you must maintain your distance from other vehicles on the road. This way, you have plenty of space to stop if you need toapply the brakes quickly.

Look Before You Leap

Visibility drops significantly during the winter season and it is hard to see your surroundings while driving. Additionally, headlights and indicators become harder to see which is why you must check the roads before you change a lane, or cross at an intersection, etc.

This also goes for when you enter streets or turn around corners, etc. Following this little extra step ensures that you keep yourself and your fellow drivers safe.

Drive Only When You Should                  

You have to stay vigilant of weather conditions and refrain from driving, especially when the weather seems unsuitable. It is best to pull over and wait for the winter weather to calm down and the conditions have been declared safe by local authorities before getting back to the road again. It may make your travels a little late at times, but it will certainly keep you safe.

Bottom Line

Dealing with the winters as a trucker can be difficult but you can make your journeys safer by driving at a moderate speed, checking your vehicle condition, and driving only when the government declares the weather as safe All it takes is preparation, patience and following the tips in this article to help make your winter trucking safer and less hazardous.

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Maranda Heaverin

Maranda Heaverin

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