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How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make

How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make?

How much do truck drivers earn?” is a great question. You’ve probably heard the news about Walmart drivers earning $100,000, and you’ve probably heard about drivers making less today than they did 20-30 years ago. Well, today, let’s get to the bottom of truck driver wages and what you can really expect to earn in the industry.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average truck driver in 2021 earned just over $52,000. Other sites that focus on wages and industries claim that the average wage was just shy of $60,000. Keep in mind, these wages are based on company drivers. Owner-Operators are an entirely different matter.


Generally speaking, dry van drivers will land in the average income range with new drivers earning less than the long-established driver. Wages start at a rate of roughly $44,000 with experienced drivers earning up to more than $83,000.


These rates can, of course, vary. Generally speaking, drivers with more experience, who handle difficult loads, take on greater risk and responsibility, and even travel to remote places can earn more than the average driver. With that in mind, what better place to start than with the legendary Ice Road Trucker.


Ice Road Truck Driver

This unique and highly publicized trucking job has taken the limelight thanks to the popular TV show, Ice Road Truckers. As the name suggests, drivers transport loads during a restrictive season using ice roads formed over frozen bodies of water during the coldest months of the year in most northern climates. This hazardous career has a short season of approximately two months with a salary averaging roughly $80,000 for the few weeks of work. Drivers have the remainder of the year to work more traditional jobs if they choose.


Hazmat Truck Driver

Hauling hazardous materials requires exceptional skills. From driving to offloading, drivers are required to be at the top of their game at all times. Hazmat drivers are required to abide by numerous health and safety measures while adhering to strict procedures to ensure the safety of themselves, the public, and the environment. In addition to their CDL, hazmat truck drivers also carry specified endorsements to carry dangerous or toxic materials. Hazmat drivers earn approximately $93,000 annually.


Oversized Load Truck Driver

Truck drivers that haul oversized loads are licensed drivers and trained to transport loads over 8.5 feet in width. Trucks that carry loads exceeding 12 feet in width often require additional supports. Including one or more pilot vehicles to assist with traffic control, monitoring height restrictions, and navigating turns. While oversized-load truck driver salaries may be reported to be exceptionally high, it is reasonable to anticipate a salary around $75,000.


Mining Truck Driver

Mining truck drivers work in a unique environment, often away from home, highways, and urban communities. They operate heavy equipment hauling materials related to mining and the contents being extracted. Rather than navigating the highways and interstates, mining truck drivers maneuver around open mines and mining roads. These positions, particularly in northern Canada and Alaska, are typically fly-in positions where drivers are posted for months at a time. Salary is generally around $60,000+ and can include accommodations and travel costs from remote locations.


Logging Truck Drivers

Log truck drivers operate heavy trucks and trailers to transport timber from a forest to a mill or storage yard. As a log truck driver, truck safety and load security are vital. At times, drivers may be required to use equipment to load or unload logs.  The job entails driving on logging roads and rough terrain, as well as highways. Wages for logging truck drivers generally range from $70,000-$90,000 or more.


The options for truck drivers and the range of wages are quite broad and allow drivers to work all over the country, even the world. Our unique industry offers opportunities for many different work environments. There is something for everyone who ventures down the road of truck driving.

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Lauren Goins

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