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Truck Driver Animal Pet

Truckers and Pets: Living and Working with Animal Companionship

Did you know that the American Veterinary Medical Association acknowledges the amazing connection between truck drivers and animal companions? It’s a wonderful bond that includes emotional, psychological, and physical interactions between people, animals, and their environment. As a truck driver, you can benefit from the connection between you and a furry—or not-so-furry—travel companion.

Benefits of having pets for truckers

Many of us feel a deep connection to our pets, and we often talk about the bond we share with them. But have you ever considered the impact that pets can have on truck drivers?

Pets can be great companions on the road, offering a sense of comfort and familiarity that can be hard to come by in an isolated profession like truck driving. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to help with the night drive or navigate traffic slowdowns, but having a pet by your side can be like having a little piece of home with you.

Surprisingly, bringing a pet with you on the road can increase your safety. Pets have a keen sense of danger and can alert you to potential threats or untrustworthy people, which could save your life in a dangerous situation.

Also, taking care of your pet’s needs can provide structure to your day, ensuring that you stay hydrated, stretch your legs, and take regular breaks. This naturally benefits your health and well-being in the long run. Other health benefits include reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and increasing longevity in heart attack patients. The emotional connection pet owners have with their pets has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and increase feelings of happiness and motivation. They can also help with socialization, making it easier to connect with other people on the road.

Types of pets truckers have

Before choosing your animal companion, check your company’s policy on pets. Many companies allow pets but may have restrictions on the type, size, or breed.

Choosing a pet is a personal choice. For many, the default pet is a dog or a cat. Space is a major consideration so consider opting for a smaller breed of pet. Cats are pretty straightforward since the size doesn’t vary too much unless you manage a way to wrangle a lion or tiger (Tip – don’t do it!)


For dog breeds consider short hair, small breeds, and a quiet temperament. Canine companions such as pugs, Boston terriers, and Yorkshire terriers may be the ideal options for some drivers, though some opt for a larger breed such as a labrador or a labradoodle. Smaller dogs tend to need less time on walks, eat less food, and take up less space in your truck.


Cats are a great choice if you want a pet that doesn’t need to be walked, though you can take them on a leash if you start with a kitten and train them to be a trucking kitty. Starting with a kitten makes it easier for the pet to adapt to the environment versus a grown cat that likely doesn’t care much for car rides let alone living in a truck.


Birds require extra care and consideration. Their housing arrangements, hygiene, and food requirements can vary considerably so be sure to research various breeds to ensure you can adequately care for them on the road.

Other pets

Travel companions can vary as much as their owners. While dogs, cats, and even birds are more typical, others have been chosen by some drivers. From reptiles to rabbits, your travel buddy is a personal choice. One thing remains, do your research and be prepared to take responsibility for pet ownership.

Tips for truckers with pets:

Research pet-friendly truck stops and rest areas:

Before hitting the road, research pet-friendly truck stops and rest areas along your route. It’s important to plan your stops ahead of time, so you know where you can take your pet to get the exercise and attention they need.

Balancing the needs of the pet with the demands of the job:

As a trucker, you have a demanding job that requires long hours on the road. You must balance your job with your pet’s needs, such as feeding, walking, and playing. Lack of attention or exercise can cause your pet to become anxious or stressed, which could lead to health problems.

Plan for pet care in case of emergency:

In the event of an emergency, it’s important to have a plan for your pet’s care. This can include having contact information for local veterinarians or animal hospitals along your route and carrying an emergency kit with your pet’s medical records and necessary medications.

Provide adequate exercise and mental stimulation for the pet:

Pets need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. It’s important to take breaks and let your pet stretch their legs, play, and explore new environments. Mental stimulation through interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or training can also help keep your pet engaged.

Pack essential supplies for the pet on the road:

When traveling with a pet, it’s important to pack essential supplies, such as food, water, treats, toys, and bedding. Adequate preparation can make all the difference in keeping your pet happy and healthy on the road.

It’s Mutually Beneficial

The relationship between humans and animals is a dynamic and mutually beneficial bond. For truckers, having a pet on the road can offer a sense of comfort and familiarity in an isolated profession. And, caring for your pet’s needs can provide structure to your day while benefiting your health and well-being by reducing stress and lowering blood pressure.

Overall, while there are joys and benefits to pet ownership in trucking, it is crucial to balance the needs of the pet with the demands of the job and ensure that the pet is adequately cared for while on the road. Proper research, planning, and preparation can help you and your furry (or not-so-furry) companions enjoy a fulfilling and safe journey.

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Picture of Lauren Goins

Lauren Goins

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