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Truckers Take a Break

Take a Break: Making the most of your break times

 As a trucker, you have to take breaks. It’s the law. And while some people might think this is an inconvenience, it can be quite beneficial for both you and your employer.

Taking rest breaks will help keep you safe and healthy on the road and make sure that your vehicle stays in good working order as well. Your body needs time to recover from long hours behind the wheel; if not given adequate rest periods during which it can do so properly, fatigue can set in quickly and lead to accidents or other dangerous situations. In addition, taking regular breaks will allow for better concentration when driving so that fewer mistakes are made overall, which means less risk for everyone.

Planning Ahead

Planning ahead is the key to making the most of your rest breaks. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about some of the important details that can make or break your trip.

●     Schedule your rest breaks ahead of time: Before setting out on a long haul, plan out when and where you’ll stop for breaks so that they don’t interfere with other aspects of your route (like deliveries).

●     Budget wisely: It’s easy for truckers who are used to driving all day long without stopping for food or water–and sometimes even sleep–to forget about how much money they’re spending on food and beverage items when they do take their required breaks. This can lead them into debt if they aren’t careful. Make sure that any purchases made during these times are affordable ones so there won’t be any surprises later down the line when bills come due.

Rest and Exercise

While you’re on your break, make sure you get plenty of rest. Being healthy isn’t just about the foods you eat; get enough sleep and take care of any other needs you may have. If possible, try to get some exercise during this time as well–a walk around the parking lot or a jog around town can help clear your head before going back on the road again.

Some new truckers don’t realize that they are allowed to leave their trucks and get some fresh air during their rest breaks. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes at a time, this is a great way to stretch out and clear your mind before heading back on the road again.

Take Advantage of Technology

Truck drivers can make the most of their time on rest breaks by taking advantage of technology. This includes using GPS mapping apps and other tools to help you plan your route and find the best places to stop.

It’s important for truckers to have a plan in place when it comes to their stops because many states require them to take at least one break every 8 hours or 10 hours on the road. If you’re not sure where you’ll be stopping next, finding a place at a certain hour will be challenging. Consider using parking apps like this one.

Stay Connected

You can also use your time off to stay connected with family and friends. If you’re driving a truck that has internet access or you have sufficient data, make sure to log into Facebook and Instagram so that you can post photos of your favorite places on the road. Try using video chat apps like WhatsApp, FaceTime, or Skype so that you can see each other in real time.

Find Entertainment

Find entertainment during your rest breaks. This can include reading, listening to music or watching movies. You may also want to bring along a game you can play with other drivers in the parking lot or the trucker lounge at the truck stop. As well, consider venturing to area attractions if time allows. Read our blog for some places to check out.

Take Care of Your Vehicle

When you’re on a rest break, take the time to make sure your vehicle is in good condition. This includes checking the oil, tire pressure, and other parts of your truck. You may not be in the routine to do so but begin post-trip inspections. These can save you time the next time you head out by identifying problems before it’s time to begin the next trip.

Clean Your Truck

There’s gives you a confident boost like rolling down the highway in a gleaming truck. During your breaks, give the windows a wash, clear your headlights, shine some chrome, and tidy the inside of your truck. You’ll feel better just by doing these small tasks.

Explore the Area

Explore the area around you. This can include visiting local attractions, shopping or even just taking a walk around the area.

If you find yourself visiting a familiar area, connect with friends or family members for a visit or a meal. Just make sure that they are aware of what time they need to be back at work so there aren’t any delays due to traffic jams caused by long lines at restaurants or other establishments nearby.

Take Care of Yourself

You’ve been driving for hours, and now it’s time for your rest break. What should you do?

●     Take care of yourself. This can include getting a massage or going for a walk, but it also means taking some time to relax and unwind.

●     Eat something healthy. Don’t just grab whatever junk food is available at the truck stop.

●     Get some fresh air if possible. If the weather isn’t cooperating, open the window if possible for a bit of fresh air.

You should now be able to make the most of your time on rest breaks. From activities to resting, this is an important part of being a professional truck driver. Effectively using your rest times can help you stay safe and healthy on the road.

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Picture of Lauren Goins

Lauren Goins

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