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Definitive Trucker’s Fitness Guide

Definitive Trucker’s Fitness Guide

Why should you be fit and healthy?

 A study from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health showed that by exercising five healthy habits, both men and women could extend their life expectancy by more than a decade: 12 years for men, and 14 years for women. The five habits were cited as: 1) eating a diet high in plants and low in fats, 2) exercising at a moderate to vigorous level for several hours a week, 3) maintaining a healthy body weight, 4) not smoking, and 5) consuming no more than one alcoholic drink a day for women and two for men.

Statistically, truck drivers are 50-70% more likely to be obese than the general population, and with that comes a litany of health problems. These include diabetes, heart disease, joint and back pains, and stroke. When you consider that truck drivers spend hours upon hours sitting in the driver’s seat, the need to be healthy is vital. Being still for extended periods of time puts greater stress on the body, which can also take a toll on mental health and well-being.

 Of drivers who leave the industry, 21% claim health reasons as their main reason for changing their career path. With the ever growing truck driver shortage, health and wellness should be top of mind for everyone.

 When most people think of the trucker life, they often think of drivers sitting in the seat, spending hours alone with their thoughts. This isn’t too far from the truth, yet each day drivers have at least 10 hours of required downtime allowing time to take steps toward health and wellness. Yes, drivers can get healthier and pass the time in a productive way rather than consuming diner desserts in a lonely corner booth.

How can I be healthy on the road?

Truck drivers don’t have the convenience of a local gym membership, and often times the big chain gyms don’t offer trucker parking. So what’s a driver to do to stay in shape when the facilities are nowhere to be found?

Begin with your surroundings. Your truck is your home away from home, and it can become your personal fitness center as well. With just a few pieces of easily-stored fitness equipment, you can make the most of your space and begin your journey to fitness and wellness.

Workout Equipment

The basics of fitness tend to come in small packages making them great tools and resources for the tucker lifestyle. Begin with a set or two of dumbbells. These allow you to engage in a wide array of exercises. Most can be done within the confines of your bunk. Add to that some resistance bands and a kettlebell or two and you’re set to get started.

 Most bunk spaces offer enough space to stretch and move around. Plus, there’s enough room to do some routine exercises. From squats using your own body weight, to curls using dumbbells, to tricep curls using resistance bands, you can truly have your own workout space. Be sure your bunk is tidy and free of clutter to allow the maximum range of motion.

 To help you develop an effective fitness routine and to keep you on track, Supply Chain Fitness offers a fantastic app designed for today’s truck drivers. With daily customized workouts to fit your fitness level, Supply Chain Fitness offers convenient routines that require no specialized equipment and can be completed inside or just outside your truck. But it doesn’t end there. They offer habit-based nutrition programs and 24/7 personalized support from people who understand the unique world of truck driving. They have the truck driver in mind with everything they do. Their specialized focus on men and women like you, our reader, makes them the ideal choice to help you on your path to wellness and well-being.

Working Out On the Road

Weightlifting – Weightlifting on the road is easy when you have the basics and they allow you to do a surprising number of workouts in your truck. With dumbbells or resistance bands you can do shoulder presses, chest presses, bicep and tricep curls, and forearm toning. With added weight in your hands, you can increase the effectiveness of squats and lunges to maximize your workout.

 Bodyweight Bodyweight exercises are just as they sound. You need no special equipment or memberships to get started with these exercises, they rely solely on the individual’s weight as the key to making an effective workout. Bodyweight exercises are great at building strength, endurance, and flexibility and should be a part of your workout routine.

 Cardio – Cardio exercises get your heart rate moving upwards through the repeated movement of the arms, legs, and hips. Going for a walk is the simplest way to get some cardio exercise. Whether it’s along the trails of a nearby wooded or grassy area or laps around the parking lot. The opportunity to go for walk, jog, or even a run, is literally just outside your door. While at the door, drivers can use the steps as fitness equipment by doing repeated steps up and steps down. As well, if you are curious about tracking the distance, you can complete one mile by walking around your tractor-trailer 32 times!

 Stretching Truck drivers sit for long periods of time, potentially causing problems related to circulation, stiff joints, and aching muscles. Stretching exercises are vital to keeping drivers mobile while reducing pain. Take advantage of downtime at pick-ups, deliveries, and rest breaks to stretch contributing to greater relaxation, and better sleep at the end of the long days.


Eating healthy on the road is a challenge. With so many fast food options and prepackaged meals, it’s tough for drivers to know where to begin when choosing healthier options. And the impact on drivers is evident in the statics and impacts. (Remember 50-70% more likely to be obese than the general population?  And the health problems including diabetes, heart disease, joint and back pains, and stroke?)

 Don’t be too hard on yourself either. Keep this in mind as you get started on your wellness journey: change takes time. A series of small steps over time increases your likelihood of hitting your targets. Rather than trying to change them all at once. Ease into the changes. Start with one healthier meal each day rather than trying to be perfect at every meal right from the start. Drink less soda and more water. Or commit to skipping that donut when you grab a coffee.

 As you progress, you’ll discover that meal planning is actually enjoyable. Planning ahead of time and preparing meals that you can take on the road, lets you choose what night to savor that special meal. Food from home is always better than that prepackaged fast food and leaves you satisfied longer. As you plan, consider meals that can be easily heated. A microwave or a smaller travel slow cooker are two absolute must-haves in your truck for eating well.

 Also, consider that eating healthy isn’t about counting calories and weighing your food choices. Eat lean proteins that are roughly the size of your palm or a deck of cards, limit fats (like peanut butter) to the size of your thumb, and enjoy a fist-sized portion of vegetables.

There’s no avoiding this: consuming more fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Start with adding one serving each day or each meal. Also, look for alternatives at restaurants that could include roasted potatoes rather than fries.

 For carbohydrate-rich foods, keep them within the size of a cupped hand. These simple tips will help steer you on the right path to healthier eating and have a positive impact on your physical health. Wherever possible, choose whole grains over refined grains. Rather than choosing white bread and pasta, opt for whole-grain bread or whole-grain pasta.

Useful Resources

The best part about today’s technology is that we don’t need to tackle things alone. Even when we spend days or weeks away from home, stay on track with apps designed with defined targets in mind.

Workout Apps

Workout apps are some of the best options out there for those looking to gain control of their health and well-being.. Set up your account and begin tracking today. Accountability, even from an app, makes a difference and keeps you moving toward your goals.

 Supply Chain Fitness, the ones we mentioned earlier, offers personalized exercise, nutrition, and accountability coaching to truck drivers, but also every employee at a trucking company. Start your own journey to lose weight, develop healthy habits, and get control of your well-being with Supply Chain Fitness.

Nike Training Club helps your fitness habits stick with quicker options, goal-setting tools, and daily content. You also get free guidance from your trainers, athletes, and wellness experts. Start strengthening your mindset and your muscles with Nike Training Club.


You’ve parked your rig and shut down for the day. Or maybe you’ve found yourself tied up at the loading dock for far longer than you expected. Take advantage of this time to go online and check out some websites that will help you with your wellness journey. Filled with information, there’s no shortage of ideas to help you on your way. – Looking for workout options? Confused about nutrition? Maybe you’re the type to enjoy diving into feature articles. Muscle and Fitness has it all for those looking to get in shape and stay in shape. – From nutritional supplements to discussion forums including many for truck drivers, offers a comprehensive resource for those looking to build muscle and get healthy.

Nutrition Trackers

Health and wellness isn’t just about physical fitness and staying active. Learning about healthy choices and nutritional needs are vital to reaching your health and fitness goals. Check out these options to help track your nutrition:

MyFitnessPal offers a platform to track your eating habits, engage in a supportive network, and a personalized diet profile. It also links to various other apps and platforms including Samsung Health, Garmin, and FitBit.

 Lose It provides a tracker to set goals, track eating, and lose weight in one convenient app. Whether you’re on the go or home for a reset, Lose It will be there to help guide you to toward your goal.

 Experiencing greater comfort with fewer aches and pains while driving America is reason enough reason to get your body moving. But remember, getting healthier and looking after your well-being will help ensure that your longer life is also more enjoyable.

And remember, you don’t need to do it all in a day. Changes take time and by trying to do it all at once you are setting yourself for failure. Take your time. Introduce a new practice over time once the last one is in place. By taking these small steps towards a better you, you can experience a more fulfilling life, while experiencing great comfort and endurance for those long and tough days that come with the trucking lifestyle.

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Picture of Lauren Goins

Lauren Goins

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