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Truck Drivers Stress Reduction

5 Tips OTR Driver’s Can Use to Reduce Stress

Life on the road definitely has its ups and downs, its good times and bad times. While it may seem like a carefree life to those who work in traditional settings, stress remains a part of life for a truck driver.

About Stress

Like most other employees, stress is a part of the job. Truck drivers face challenging situations that include navigating an 80-foot vehicle through traffic and parking. Add to this the heated emotions of other drivers, weather, construction zones, detours, deadlines, dispatchers, and irregular sleep patterns and you’ve got a recipe for high stress.

If we’ve discovered anything about stress, it’s that it negatively impacts our mental and physical well-being. From anxiety and depression to diabetes and sleep apnea, stress plays a major role in the life of a truck driver.

But that doesn’t mean all is lost. There are steps that drivers can take immediately to begin battling the inevitable stress of the job. Stress doesn’t go away, but it can be managed in healthy ways.

Keep in mind that not all stress is bad stress. Short-term stress can be inspiring and motivating, enhancing your performance and focusing your energy. The bad stress, though, is harmful to your health and can cause distress, confusion, anxiety, and poor concentration which puts a driver at a much greater risk.

Be sure to implement at least some of these tips to help you stay safe and reduce stress.

1 – Trip planning

Reducing stress begins before a driver even fires up their truck. Knowing where you’re headed and how you’ll get there reduces the pressure right away; having clear direction is always a benefit. By trip planning ahead of time you reduce the need to rush, you won’t feel compelled to skip safety checks, and you won’t take chances in the name of saving time or missing turns and exits.

2 – Be mindful

Being mindful is a matter of recognizing your thoughts about situations and exercising control over your reactions. Bad drivers, heavy traffic, and detours are major stressors for truck drivers. Be aware of the response you are having to your thoughts and make a conscious decision not to give in to the negative thoughts and mindset. Having a positive attitude in the face of stressful situations changes the outcome and gives you more control over the impact the situations have on you.

3 – Keep a clean space

Clutter causes chaos, and chaos equals stress. Keeping your truck tidy is a simple way to enhance your surroundings and improve your overall state of mind. It seems too simple to be true, but knowing where everything is kept without the overwhelming sense of potential confusion mitigates some of the effects of stress. As drivers settle into their bunk at the end of a stressful day, shifting into a tidy, clean, and organized space helps create a natural transition to relaxation and renewal.

4 – Relaxation

Audiobooks and podcasts are an excellent way to take your mind off anything that causes stress. Before you head out on your next run, take time to visit your local library – either online or in person – and get the books that interest you. There are thousands of titles available and you can consume content like never before.

When it comes to podcasts there is something for everyone. Literally. It doesn’t matter where your interests lay, there is a podcast waiting for you. Download the episodes, turn up the volume, and enjoy the road with lower stress.

Of course, there’s always music. As with audiobooks and podcasts, you can stream and download the newest and greatest playlists or the tried and true tunes, or create your own perfect playlist that features only your favorite artists. And don’t be afraid to check out new and emerging artists. I’ve discovered many new artists that I otherwise would have missed out on if I didn’t check out new playlists.

5 – Exercise

You don’t need to bench press your personal best or run the fastest mile to exercise. Whenever you are at a stop like a gas station or rest area just take a few minutes to stretch and walk around. It will relax tense muscles and help clear your mind of the stress and cluttered ideas that may be wearing you down. Consider the furthest parking spot to give you a few more steps and be sure to purchase some exercise tension bands so you can do some simple exercises in the privacy of your bunk. Members of The Truckers Network receive 20% off Supply Chain Fitness memberships.

BONUS – Meditate

I know. This doesn’t seem very trucker-ish, but stay with me. Before you start your truck, sit and be still. Breathe and relax. Allow the beginning of your day to start with a clear head. Relax your muscles, release the tension, and even pray. Not sure where to start? There are many guided meditation podcasts available to help you get started.

Wherever you opt to begin, it’s vital to your well-being that you start somewhere and take the steps to help reduce your stress. Truck driving can be thoroughly enjoyable. Taking the steps to keep your stress in check will help keep it enjoyable for years to come.

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Picture of Lauren Goins

Lauren Goins

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