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Thank Truck Drivers this Thanksgiving and Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and it’s a time to reflect on who we are most thankful for in our lives. The year 2020 has been nothing but a whirlwind with Covid-19, protests, and the election. If there is one good thing that this year has taught us, it is that essential workers need to be appreciated more.

Truck drivers are considered one of the most essential workers in the United States. Without them, our grocery store shelves would be empty, people would go hungry, hospitals would run out of supplies, and much more. America cannot function without truck drivers. So, this Thanksgiving and holiday season, let’s be extra thankful for our truck drivers and the people working in the trucking industry.

Truck drivers make many sacrifices during the holiday season. Here are just a few:

They sacrifice family time during the holidays

Truck drivers are not guaranteed time off with their families for the Thanksgiving holiday. Truck drivers will most likely be on their way to deliver goods to stores for Black Friday and other big holiday sales.

They rarely get a home-cooked meal

Because truck drivers most likely work during Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season, they miss out on the delicious home-cooked holiday meals. Unfortunately, a Thanksgiving meal for a truck driver includes cooking a meal in their truck or stopping by a fast-food restaurant.

They rarely get downtime

Although most people get a few days off for the Thanksgiving holiday, truck drivers are working extra hard to make sure that the grocery and department store shelves are full.

So, this Thanksgiving, make sure to give thanks to our amazing truck drivers! If you see a trucker on the road, give them a wave. It could make their day.

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Picture of Maranda Heaverin

Maranda Heaverin

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