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6 Tips From Professional Truck Drivers

The trucking industry is full of new adventures and surprises. There is never a dull work day for a trucker. It seems like there are always new experiences out there. Trucking tips and tricks are important for every driver, regardless if they are new to the road or if they have been driving for years. There’s always something to learn and ways to improve your skills. Talking to actual professional truck drivers is a great way to learn the ways of the road. We asked truckers to share their truck driving advice.

Here are 6 tips from professional truck drivers.

When in doubt, scale it out

Weigh stations can be a real nuisance to truckers. Most drivers are on a tight schedule to get a load delivered on time, and stopping to weigh your truck slows everything down. Although weighing your truck is a real time killer, it is necessary for keeping the roads and people on the roads safe. An overweight truck puts many people in danger. Not only does an overweight truck put people in danger, it also can cost a driver several thousands in fines. It’s always important to know the weight of your truck. It can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Always get good sleep

A good night sleep is crucial for truck drivers. Operating a large vehicle with not enough sleep is a dangerous situation for the driver and other drivers on the road. Make it a priority to get 8 hours or close to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Do not rush

Do not rush!! This can be tough advice to follow. Especially if you are running late for a load. Rushing puts a lot of people in danger. It also can lead to speeding and poor decision making. Slow down and follow the speed limit. It’s better to be late than sorry.

CB radios are still useful

A lot of young drivers think CB radios are a thing of the past. Newer drivers are more likely to use newer technology and social media to communicate with truckers while on the road. According to a survey by RoadPro Family of Brands, 90% of drivers still believe CB radios are a crucial tool for truckers. CB radios provide a way for truckers to communicate, share road traffic, accidents and places to park.

Park close to other trucks overnight

When parking for the night, find other semi trucks to park next to. Parking close to other trucks allows truckers to watch out for one another. Plus, people are less likely to break in or harass a group of semi trucks.

Watch your speed going down hill

One professional truck driver said, “ You can go down a mountain a million times too slow, but only once too fast.” Always watch your speed when going downhill. Experienced truckers recommend going 5 mph below the suggested speed limit when traveling downhill.

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Picture of Maranda Heaverin

Maranda Heaverin

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