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5 Facts About a Truck Driver’s Lifestyle

Before choosing a new career path, it is important to do research to determine if it is the right career for you. This is especially true for people considering entering the trucking industry. Becoming a truck driver is more of a lifestyle than a job. It is a demanding profession and it can be hard on the trucker and their family. Knowing what to expect before becoming a trucker will somewhat limit the shock. It will also help determine if trucking is the right profession from you. It is a good idea to learn about a truck driver’s lifestyle before entering the trucking industry.

If you are considering becoming a truck driver, check out these 5 facts about a truck driver’s lifestyle.

Long work days

If you prefer a regular 8 hour work day and 40 hour work week, then trucking isn’t for you. Truck drivers typically work up to 11 hours a day and can work 70 hours in one week. The days and weeks are long for truck drivers and driving several hours at a time is hard on a trucker’s mental and physical health.

Work days begin early

Most truckers prefer to drive during the day. Although there is less traffic at night, most businesses are not open 24 hours and it may be difficult to find food or gas. So, many truckers start their work day as soon as the sun comes up.

Expect less sleep

Lack of sleep is especially true for long haul truck drivers. With the long work day and living on the road, it is difficult for truck drivers to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep each night. In fact, a study shows that drivers average 5.18 hours in bed and 4.78 hours of verified sleep. That is almost less than half of the recommended hours of sleep by health experts.

You will drive many miles

A long haul truck driver averages over 100,000 miles per year. If you break it down, that is around 2,000 miles per week and around 300 miles per day. That is like driving from Boston to Philadelphia, Houston to New Orleans, or Indianapolis to Pittsburgh.

You will have good and bad experiences

As a truck driver, you will experience many new cities and roads. You will come across many beautiful places that you probably wouldn’t have seen if it were not for being a truck driver. Appreciate those moments. You will have many of them.
Although there are a lot of good moments, there are also bad moments. There are times when you feel like everything is against you. Being a trucker is difficult, but it is also rewarding.

Check out our previous blog post here!

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Picture of Maranda Heaverin

Maranda Heaverin

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